Welcome to MellottSteelSeawalls.com
Over the past 20 years I have installed approximately 40,000 lineal feet of sheet piling. 6,000 feet was on Simonton Lake. I have been fortunate to have met so many nice people over the years. The above wall was installed on the Saint Joseph River for James Bock in Elkhart. The wall was installed prior to the home construction
Steel Sheet Pile Wall
This steel seawall was installed on the Elkhart River. Steps were installed for river access. This river has significate water level fluxuation. From the photo you can see that the wall is landward of the waters edge. At times the water level will exceed the wall elevation.
Steel Wall With Concrete Cap
This wall was installed for Emerson DeFord on Simonton Lake. Emerson founded the Emerson Flute company. He still hand makes flutes under the Deford name in Elkhart. His wife gave me a mustard dill pickle recipe that I still make.
Permitting Process
Most seawalls require a permit from the state's Department of Natural Resources, Army Corp of Engineers, Department of Enviromental Management, and some local governments. We complete the permitting process for 95 percent of the seawalls we install. Permits take 3 to 6 months.
For additional information
Please call Kevin Mellott
at 574-312-4505